New Releases

We have several new releases due out this month and next… The Sungrown: Wings by Asher Wismer is now available to download. Epic adventure on a future sun-blasted Earth. UK link: US link:

Merry Christmas!

We wish all our readers and authors a very Merry Christmas and a New Year filled with love, hope and prosperity!  

New Releases

We have two new titles available to pre-order. And Then It Rained by C W Lovatt From the best-selling author of the Charlie Smithers books, a collection of award-winning short stories. Rain, that natural wonder, so natural, in fact that often it comes and goes...

Carpet Diem Review

Fantastic review in from SciFi Now for Justin Anderson‘s Carpet Diem.  A ‘delightful’ 9/10.  Well done, Justin.

New Releases!

We have nine new releases to tell you about just in time for Christmas.  They’ll make perfect stocking fillers. Bratva by Poppet…The fifth book in the disturbing and intoxicating Darkroom sage. Hybrid by Nick Stead…Think you know vampires and werewolves?  Think again....